Data Privacy Laws
Labour and Civil Service Law
Prevention of Corruption (Compliance, Consultant)
German, French, English
Studies of Law at universities of Bonn, Berlin and Cologne, Second State Examination at the state law examinations board of Rheinland-Pfalz in 1972, dissertation on a topic of comparative law and public international law in 1977. Since 2011 lawyer at CSP Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf.
1998 - 2010 Chief Officer at the Ministry for Traffic, Construction and Urban Development (personnel, civil service law and collective bargaining law)
1992 - 1998 Ministry of Construction (with focus on personnel, organisation and budget)
1980 - 1991 Officer at the FDP faction of the German Parliament (civil service law, data privacy, labour and social issues)
1978 - 1979 Senior Civil Servant at the Ministry of Economy, SME and Traffic of North Rhine Westphalia
1976 - 1978 Research Assistant at the FDP faction of the parliament of North Rhine Westphalia (civil service law, data privacy, labour and social issues)
1974 - 1975 Association of the Iron and Metal Working Industry Rheinland-Rheinhessen (VEM; labour and social law, representation at labour and social courts)
Publications, Presentations
Close cooperation and discussions with other lecturers on measures of prevention of corruption
Prevention of corruption in public administration by information, 2015, Nomos publisher
Transparency in Public Administration in Germany (Transparenz der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland, 2010
L’Etat doit-il être expert et le peut-il? Sur quelle forme d’expertise interne et externe le gouvernement doit-il pouvoir s’appuyer? In: actes du colloque, expertise et contrȏle: dialogues sans frontières, bicentenaire du conseil général des ponts et chaussées, Paris 2004
Publications, Presentations
Alpine Convention: The Transport Protocol and its Implementation (Alpenkonvention: Verkehrsprotokoll und dessen Umsetzung in: Internationales Verkehrswesen“ Nr. 4 2008)
The new Waste Legislation (Das neue Abfallrecht in: Das Rathaus Nr. 9 1986)
Public International Law Issues of Civil Protection (Völkerrechtliche Fragen des Zivilschutzes in: Zivilverteidigung Nr.1 und Nr.3 1977)
Tasks and Positions of Civil Protection Organisations during Catastrophies and Armed Conflicts (Funktionen und Stellung der Zivilschutzorganisationen in Katastrophen und bewaffneten Konflikten. Hrsg. Bundesamt für Zivilschutz, 1977)
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40597 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 59824811
Fax: +49 211 59824812
Viktoria-Luise-Platz 12a
10777 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 29034818